Tuesday, May 20, 2014

blog 11

I'm really happy to say that things for project mish are turning out to be pretty good. I finally was able to download Photoshop into my home computer. Which a huge thing for me because now i dont have to so dependent on my friend Albert to do all the tech work, which is basically the whole project. I'm still trying to figure out all the kinks and gadgets but i learning quick. I also recently improved the orignal company logo.
Our orginal logo:

Inline image 1
The new logo:
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 its just a simple character change, but this astronaut skater is going to be PROJECT MISH's trade mark. Believe me people, this business is going to be legendary, i can promise that.
I'm disappointed for not putting the effort i though i would into this project, but that's okay because at this point i'm not after the grade... i'm after the dream. I'm looking at the big picture of my company, and all i can say about is i see bright things in the future. For now thought I need to figure out how i'm going to present without much to present. Should be a piece of cake .

Thursday, May 8, 2014

blog 10

I think i have prolonged this project long enough, so i am going to start working on it. What i have been doing is skating a lot but i haven't been filming. I been trying to start making my own designs for t-shirts and boards but i couldnt figure out the program. The system is called adobe, and you can basically do everything from creating videos and photoshop projects to creating video games. My only problem is that i have no idea how to function it and make it work. My friends is pretty good at using the program but he always flakes when i try to ask him for help. On top of that i've been pretty busy so i never get around to it.
It safe to say the project was a fail, but the goal is still there. I couldn't really get it started considering my financial issue. Plus i didn't work on getting followers on our instagram cause i never posted anything. Even though i failed to expand the company this year, I'm still going to continue to work on this project even though out college. this is something i truly want and i willing to invest and make it happen. On the bright side, I got much better at skateboarding and committing tricks. As for the project, i need to start coming up with some good topics on what i will be saying in front of the class. Mr Lee just informed us that we will be presenting for 5 minutes, so i better start getting to work.
what i could and will do is i will make 1 shirt, so at least i have one product on the market. the world will know about Project Mish. A great thing about today's society is skateboarding is only getting bigger and bigger. I'm excited for the future of Project Mish.
Any followers would be great! Check out our instagram: Skate_projectmish

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